Bitney Adventures Refund and Return Policy

        Bitney Adventures does not store your debit/credit card information when you make a purchase. To learn more about how we handle the data we collect, see the Bitney Adventures Privacy Policy.

       Physical items (such as CDs and paperback books purchased directly on the Bitney Adventures site) can be returned for a refund within 30 days of purchase. Do not return an item before emailing us to initiate the return process. If you need to return physical items (such as CDs, paperback books, t-shirts, hoodies, or other merchandise purchased on the Bitney Adventures site), visit our Contact Us page and send us an email within 30 days of your purchase for assistance. 

       Products must be in good condition to be eligible for return. Damaged items cannot be returned, unless they were damaged upon arrival. 

       Once you send an email requesting a refund, we will respond with a return address where you will need to ship the items you would like to return. Return shipping costs will be covered by you, and once the returned item has been received, a refund of the item price will be sent to your original payment method. If you return an item without emailing us to confirm where the items to return need to be sent, we cannot guarantee the items will be received, and therefore cannot guarantee a refund. If you would like a refund, please email us to initiate the return process, and follow the directions provided in our email response.

       Unless otherwise specified, digital music, eBooks, and other digital products cannot be returned after purchase. However, if something goes wrong and you need assistance, we will be happy to help resolve the issue.

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