Bitney Adventures Statement of Faith


We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, that by the Power of God the Father, in His Holy Spirit, The Lord Jesus (Iesus) was born on Earth to the Holy Blessed Mary (Myriam); that the Lord Jesus (Iesus) was persecuted by sinful humans; that He was crucified and died on the Cross; and Holy God, by the power of the Lord Holy Spirit, resurrected His Holy Son from the dead and He lives eternally, ruling all creation in one Trinitarian Holy God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Co-Founder Isabella Jeso was born and raised in a Rozvi traditional, rural Zimbabwean Roman Catholic family and remains Christian. Co-Founder Chikomborero Jeso was born in the U.S.A. where he grew up practicing the Roman Catholic faith, and remains Christian. Our Christian beliefs are based on the “life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth” as recorded in the New Testament.

Wikipedia. (n.d.). Christianity. Retrieved July 29, 2023.