How Christians can Invite God into their Everyday Life


FROM: Bitney, The Master’s Warhorse

TO: Friends of Bitney, in the Service of the Lord Our God

There are two things that I want to share with you this month, my friends. First, I hope you had an enjoyable time, gathering with your extended family, close friends, and village community, for what is known as “Christmas celebrations” in these parts of God’s universe. And, if you received a “Christmas gift,” I hope that you remembered to share it with God. Did you remember to invite God to your Christmas celebration meal or party? If you did not do so this year, 2022, I certainly hope you will remember, and want, to invite him to eat with you and your other friends for your Christmas celebrations every year, going forward. It would make the Lord so happy.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Christmas Food - Pixabay
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Church with Cross on the Steeple at Christmas - Pixabay

For the time being though, and this is the second of two things I want to share with you this month. Rather than wait a whole year to invite God to come and share in your Christmas celebrations, I encourage you to, instead, invite him to take a nature walk with you and your parents or grandparents. Be safe. What do people do on a nature walk such as the one I propose for you to try? People on a nature walk sometimes ask the trees and the grasses how they are doing. And they listen for the answers that the trees and the grasses whisper in their dance for God; as the wind blows over them, cooling them, or pruning dead branches or leaves from them, to encourage new growth.

During a nature walk, people could also thank fruit trees for sharing their fruits with them. They could talk to the river, or the lake, and the fish too. People on a nature walk could ask God how he manages to feed everything in nature, because doing so is a lot of work. While on a nature walk, people could ask God how they might help, taking care of him as he focuses on feeding the little creatures in the neighborhood and all life around his universe. There are so many things to think about during a nature walk!

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Ant Villages - iPhone Photo May 2020

Indeed, there are a myriad of things that a nature walk avails to those who ask nature and listen for its answers. It might be worth a try for you; especially because it is one way to grow our own spirituality. Other ways to grow our spirits is to read the Bible of course, focusing on the words attributed to the Lord Jesus in the New Testament. Reading the Prophets and the Psalms in the Old Testament is another way to continue our spiritual growth. Yet another way to grow spiritually is to help our families stay healthy, helping with family chores; so that the work to maintain family life doesn’t burden one family member; but all share in it, allowing thus, everyone a chance to rest and recover their strength, even as it helps them sustain their emotional well-being.

God wants us to grow spiritually as much as he wants us to grow physically. Find ways to grow your spirit; like how you grow your body by eating healthy foods. Clean your spirit and mind daily; just as you clean your body daily. How do you clean your mind and spirit? One way is through prayer. Ask your parents and grandparents about how else to clean your spirit and mind! Here are some words the Lord Jesus spoke, relating to growing our spirits as individuals.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth (New International Version Bible, 1978, John 4:24).

That’s it for now, my friends; I leave you with this great song by my favorite music-maker, Holy Spirit Music, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth.” Check it out by clicking on this link!

Signing off in chiShona, Chisarai, my friends! Until next month, that is all for the Children’s Newsletter by Bitney. Say Hello to God, next time you talk with Him in prayer, not talking at Him in prayer.

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The Holy Bible, New International Version. (1978). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Each month’s newsletter will sign off, using a different language, as searched and found in the Google Translate App.

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The Children’s Newsletter by Bitney