How Christians can Support the Lord in Their Thinking

FROM: Bitney, The Master’s Warhorse

TO: Friends of Bitney, in the Service of the Lord Our God

I return to you, my friends, continuing with the voice contained in the Bitney Adventures stories. I believe you have read the stories; the stories of encouragement and positivity in living out the lives given to us by God, through our parents; the lives we should aspire to live, as Christians, in the Holy Spirit of Jesus, for the Lord God our Creator. Having read the stories, you do know that I am The Master’s only warhorse. But why war and not peace for Christian children? Write me back with your thoughts on this question if you would like.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of Girl Portrait - Pixabay

Life is a struggle. Life is in this sense a battle, a war; as we strive to be resilient in the face of the many setbacks that we may encounter each day, getting up to try again, after we have fallen or after what we hoped in has been lost.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of Girl in a Field - Pixabay

We know that feeling of hurt; when our name has been left off the list of the children invited to a birthday party. It might also be our not getting up on time, leading to our being late for school, and we feel badly about it. It could be failing an exam; or not making the cast of child actors chosen for a school play.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of Children Sitting - Pixabay

It could be the breaking apart of a cherished relationship, when friends move away with their families; or for many other reasons that we are left feeling alone; and in the midst of feeling badly or defeated, we must look to the Lord, by looking inside ourselves, for the strength to start over.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of Horses Galloping - Pixabay

Looking to the Lord, who walks beside us; for comfort, for hope, that our individual lives are still worthy, that our lives are important to us, and to God; and we must be thankful and carry on, doing our best at everything that we are responsible for as children in our families; students in our schools; friends to our peers; and as the youths of our communities.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of Goats in a Field - Pixabay

It is part of how we can say confidently to the problems we face, “I am beating you!” It is something that I, Bitney, have said to myself many times, such as when I had to pull the river of the white waters across the ocean, against a cyclone; at a time that I served as a support in an unexpected war that had overwhelmed Dolphin Village; and overwhelmed me too.

To stay at this level of thinking in our own minds, is to live successfully, it is to live for the Lord God. It is to know and to appreciate life. The Lord Jesus prays in the gospel according to St. John, the Apostle:

Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people, that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (New International Version Bible, 1978, John 17:1-3)

To the extent suggested in the Lord’s words above, knowledge, and acceptance, of the truth is a form of war. Maintaining such knowledge is a form of war; as there might be other life forces that could disrupt our efforts to know the truth of Holy God; and we must stand firm in our faith in His Name. In this sense, life is war; a war that happens inside us, as we seek to place value on, and to maintain, our own spiritual and psychological health – the Lord’s Way. How are you fighting the wars inside you; are you doing so with our Lord’s help?

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of an Ocean Sunset - Pixabay

To my thinking, the wars that we fight inside ourselves are more productive when we start with addressing faith-questions such as these: Have you asked God how He is doing today? Have you invited Him to share your meal? Maybe no one else invited Him to eat with them, and He is hungry. Please be so kind and check-in on our God, each day as you would want your best friends to do for you.

I further propose that as we work to individually grow our minds from within ourselves, it helps to listen to Christian music that is designed to assist in cleaning our minds; similar to how we clean our bodies. I, Bitney, often clean my mind by playing Christian instrumental creations by one of my favorite Christian music artists, Holy Spirit Music. Thus, the song of the month that I want to share for November 2022 is titled, “Beyond.” You can listen to it here.

Signing off in Spanish, Adios my friends! Until next month, that is all for the Children’s Newsletter by Bitney. Say Hello to God, next time you talk with Him in prayer, not talking at Him in prayer.

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The Holy Bible, New International Version. (1978). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Each month’s newsletter will sign off, using a different language, as searched and found in the Google Translate App.

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The Children’s Newsletter by Bitney