How Music Can Enrich Christian's Lives

FROM: Bitney, The Master’s Warhorse

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of a Horse's Face - Pixabay

TO: Friends of Bitney, in the Service of the Lord Our God

I have before, spoken to you of the Lord Master’s Mother; how she taught music theory to the children for many years; how she taught them to play the harp, in her private, home-based teaching practice.

In your own young lives, you have enjoyed music many times: singing, listening to it, dancing to it, discussing it with your peers. From those experiences, would you say that you value, deeply, the role that music plays in the enrichment of our lives? If so, is it socializing that you like the most about music; since it provides a good way to connect with friends, to bring communities together? But what else could listening to music or making music do for you?

For example, do you think these horses are playing to the music that they are hearing inside them? Or maybe they are fighting, competing for scarce survival resources? Or are they just greeting each other excitedly?

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Horses in a Desert Landscape - Pixabay

If they are playing to the wind music of the mountains, might the music help them to feel better in this context of a desolate landscape they seem to be in?

Relating to the above questions, we might ask further, if our bodies are healthy, why should we concern ourselves with the health of other levels of our being: the mind; the soul; the spirit? These are many questions.

The following answers to these questions that I share with you, I do not claim to be mine, my friends. They are the teachings of an exceptionally gifted music master; the Lord Master’s beloved Mother, speaking about some roles music plays in the individual life.

The Lord Master’s Mother Playing the Harp, Alone, Preparing to Teach

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Woman Playing the Harp - Pixabay

First, music helps you to remember the things that you have never personally experienced. We who currently populate the Earth are not the only ones who have lived here. Listening to or singing music that has been sung for generations in your family helps you to remember what previous generations knew and the good they pass down to you through that shared music. This remembered knowledge, carried in the music, balances our current experiences, giving depth to what we know.

Second, as does washing your body, listening to music inspired by God’s Holy Spirit removes dirt from your mind, your soul, your spirit. Clean music inspired by the Holy Spirit of God is the water that washes off the gunk that can build up and clog your soul, and mind, and spirit.

Third, when you sing good songs to God and to your family members, you help to assuage the painful impact of negative experiences on their inside life. Yes, God is deeply impacted by negative experiences, such as the murder of His only Holy Son, the crucifixion of His only Holy Spirit, two thousand years ago. He also feels hurt when humans dump trash, and other filth, and poisons, into His water systems, for example.

Fourth, safely, speak nice things to the trees and the grasses; to the mountains and hills; to the rivers and streams; to the winds and to the rains; to the seas and the lakes; to the sands of the deserts; to the snows of the cold regions; and to the breezes when they pass by.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Forest Trees in Fog - Pixabay

As the Earth is God’s property, all aspects of nature are His, designed to help Him keep the Earth’s climate well-balanced. When you say nice things to them, you are showing respect for their life and work on Earth. It encourages them in their struggles, adjusting to or withstanding their sometimes-brutal living conditions.

Most of all, if you can help it; please don’t hurt them in any way; like throwing poisonous things into them or damaging them. These general human acts make God’s work of “re-life-ing” everything, every day, much more difficult. It is easier when He finds His creation happy, dancing or clapping their gratitude to Him when He visits them; Him Who Is our Maker; us, and all nature.

Listening to great music will help you to find what to say in your conversations with God’s natural world. The natural world can, in return, gift you with ideas for making music for God and for your family.

We have the responsibility then, Friends, to find this kind of music and consume it like we consume food to live, consuming this type of music to help our minds, and souls, and spirits stay healthy.

Understanding thus, our need to consume health-giving music, I share with you my choice of music for this month; a song by my favorite musician, Holy Spirit Music.

The song is titled, “End of a Tragedy.” You can listen to it here; or by clicking on this link: Holy Spirit Music – End of a Tragedy

Until next month, that is all for the Children’s Newsletter by Bitney. Say Hello to God, next time you talk with Him in your prayers, not talking at Him in prayer.

As always, my friends, goodbye in many languages – in Setswana, Salang sentle; in Luganda, Eeraba; in Nepali, Alavida; in Malay, Selamat tinggal; in Italian, Arrivederci; in Greek, Antio sas.

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The Children’s Newsletter by Bitney