Learn How to Make and Do the Things You Need to Live By #1

Dear Friends in the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Grace of the Lord Holy Spirit,
Thank you for reading our Children’s Newsletter at Bitney Adventures!
With the Lord’s Holy Angels, and the Holy Blessed Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ,
We Remain Humbly Yours, Delighted to Collaborate with You in Ministry.
Chikomborero Jeso, Son; Isabella Jeso, Mother; at Our Online Christian Store,

FROM: Bitney, The Master’s Warhorse

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of a Horse's Face - Pixabay

TO: Friends of Bitney, in the Service of the Lord Our God

This morning, Bitney’s lessons, for the children gathered, focused on the Lord Holy Spirit’s philosophy, regarding the importance of learning how to make the things you need to live by yourself. Bitney’s teaching to the children began and proceeded as follows.

Children Excited for Their Lessons with Bitney

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Children Looking in the Same Direction - Pixabay

On matters of making things; or on starting your own business; or on developing the infrastructure; that allows for transporting goods and food or housebuilding material, for example, the Lord Holy Spirit’s view is that you must start with what you have.

 As an example, the Lord Holy Spirit advises that we do not borrow money for the purpose of starting our own businesses, or for building roads. This is because when you borrow money to start your own project, you do not own the product that you produce until your debtor is fully repaid. If you fail to pay, your debtor takes everything you have worked for from you, with interest that can put you into greater debt, rather than earning income for your own family needs.

No Money!

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - No Money in Pockets - Pixabay

How would you build a road in your village since your community does not own heavy equipment designed for such purposes?

Heavy Road Construction Equipment

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Road Construction Equipment - Pixabay

The Lord Holy Spirit says that one way you could build a road in your village, doing it yourselves, is first, to gather all village communities in your area. This gives everyone, including the children and the adults, a chance to discuss portions of their inherited family lands that they would prefer to designate for road construction. It doesn’t matter if the road zigzags around lands that must be protected, such as watersheds and wetlands.

A Wetland

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Birds in a Wetland - Pixabay

The gathered community families would also have a chance to consider their own responsibility in building this road transportation-support resource for themselves, not waiting to invite people from far away to do it for them at a great cost that often involves uprooting families whose homes are “in the way” of the road that these people from far away choose to build for the community. The road construction done for your community by people from far away would also carry a great financial burden for your community.

How do you build a good road in your village if you do not own heavy road construction equipment? First, you choose the area where your village wants its road to be built, connecting your community to its neighboring villages.

A Road Connecting One Village to Another

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Road Connecting Villages - Pixabay

Second, each family is measured the space that it should work over the tropical winter months when there is no flooding and when families are not busy during the crop growing season. This way everyone collaborates to produce this vital road resource, allowing for cattle-drawn carts to haul crops from the fields or to transport patients to hospitals; transport entrepreneurs to towns to sell farming goods; and possibly allow your traditional Chiefs to petition your country’s government to provide buses that run through your area to the cities.  

Possible Various Modes of Transportation, Using a Village-Made Road

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Man on Donkey Drawn Cart - Pixabay
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - People on Ox Drawn Cart - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Man on Bike - Pixabay
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Tour Bus - Pixabay
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Van Bus - Pixabay

Third, once a family is assigned its portion of the road, for them to construct their portion of the road, in this great community collaborative effort, family members begin clearing the ground, using hoes; cutting down trees, using axes, just as they do when clearing their farming plots of land.

Clearing the Land for Road Construction

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Clearing the Road with a Gardening Hoe for Construction - Pexels

Fourth, with picks and hoes, each family would then dig a trench about 60 centimeters deep. They would shovel the dug-up soil, spreading it up to the top of what will be their self-built community road. The grass that is dug up in the process, they would carefully arrange in the 60-centimeter trench, and put rocks over it, to prevent water runoff from the slanted sides of the road from causing soil erosion. 

A Perfect Finished Village Road

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Finished Village Road - Pixabay

Therefore, the Lord Holy Spirit wants the children to invite their adults into this work of developing your own community’s infrastructure in the local areas where your family homes are located.

The Lord’s second lesson for the children on starting your self-development with what you have, instead of borrowing money to fund it, involves how to start your own business without borrowing start-up funds from other people. It could be a Community Co-Operative Business Enterprise that you want to start. It could also be your own Family Business. The type of business doesn’t matter. It matters that you start it with what you have, avoiding at all costs, putting yourself in debt.

Types of Businesses: A Store, and a Produce-Stand

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Female Farmer Selling Fruits and Vegetables at a Farm Stand - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Male Selling Fruits and Vegetables at a Farm Stand - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Man Buying Fruits at a Grocery Store - Pexels

How do you start a business with no start-up funds? One option is to grow a garden of a variety of vegetables: cabbage, chomolia, kale, collard greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions. At harvest, you would sell some of these fresh; some, you would cook, spice, and sun-dry; then package to sell at a higher price since they are prepared foodstuffs.

Sun-Dried Foodstuffs for Sale

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Sun Dried Tomatoes on Wood - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Sun Dried Tomatoes in Jar - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Mushrooms on Paper - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Brown Beans - Pexels

The same process as with growing and selling garden produce could be used to grow and sell fresh and salted fire-dried or sun-dried fish that you would farm in fenced fishponds, being careful to cover the ponds with netting so that hawks and eagles don’t catch and eat them instead. Similarly, your community or family could raise egg-laying hens and sell the eggs at children’s homes, at schools, and at hospitals.

Your business could, in addition, sell cow milk curds, if this is appropriate for your local culture. This could also be done with beef, mutton, and goat meat for families whose diet includes meat.

Sun-Dried Fish / Fire-Dried Fish for Sale

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Seafood Variety - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Dried Small Fish - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Women Drying Fish - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Man Drying Fish to Hang - Pexels
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Fish Roasting on the Fire - Pexels

Milk Curds for Sale

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Milks Curds - Pexels

Finally, for this month, the Lord Holy Spirit says for every child to learn how to manage your shared community business, your family business, or your individual business. How do you do this?

First, you do some Math, calculating the cost of the resources that you put into producing your product: time, cost of the seed, the cost of fencing your garden, the cost of digging your fishpond or garden watering pond; the cost of food for those who worked with you to fence your garden or to dig your ponds, etc.

A Child Entrepreneur Doing Mathematical Calculations

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Person Doing Math - Pexels

Second, decide how much you should sell each product for you to recover the money you paid to produce it. Add the cost of transport to travel to the market where you sell your goods. Further, add profit to that amount, keeping in mind that you want your customers to buy your foodstuffs, and not to turn away because they can’t afford your prices. The amount you end up with is the market price at which you should sell each of your products, locally, or across your region.

When you have collected your earnings from your sales, you subtract the initial cost of starting your business, to put it back into your business, toward the start of next round of business activities.

Following that, you share some of the profits among the members of your business cooperative or of your family business. The rest of the money you put in the bank where it can grow for you to expand your business in the future.
The next Children’s Newsletter by Bitney will be about making things for your personal, family, and educational uses.

Finally, given that music inspired by the Lord Holy Spirit, refreshes the mind, giving our minds a chance to heal from the onslaughts of stresses that we humans face each day; as we conclude our Children’s Newsletter by Bitney for December 2023, we want to share with you this choice song, “Cherish,” brand new from Holy Spirit Music. This song can be accessed at the Holy Spirit YouTube Channel,

That is all for the Children’s Newsletter by Bitney for December 2023. Please say Hello to God, from us, next time you talk with Him in prayer, not talking at Him during your prayers, but using this time for you to have conversations with God our Father. Dear friends of Bitney everywhere, until next time, goodbye!

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Photos and images have been sourced on pexels.com; and on pixabay.com. They are each identified as such.

The Children’s Newsletter by Bitney