Service to the Lord Requires Courage, a Strong Mind, and a Strong Spirit

FROM: Bitney, The Master’s Warhorse

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of a Horse's Face - Pixabay

TO: Friends of Bitney, in the Service of the Lord Our God

As I said in my previous letter to you, dear friends, the Lord Master and I are preparing to soon be in the war that will turn this epoch into the next one. No guns are needed for the type of war that we are to soon enter. The greatest weapon you need is your mind.

Are you strengthening your mind for your role in being on the Lord Master’s support teams? Ah, I can hear some of you stating in consternation, “But Bitney, you haven’t said how to prepare our minds; or even what support teams do in a ginormous war like this one that promises to engulf the entire universe, rearranging the planets, including the earth and the species on it, for their journeys through the next epoch. What are we ever to do!”

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Solar System - Pixabay
Well, you have a very important role to play in your neighborhood. You stand or sit in your room, in your family house, or in your family hut, somewhere where it is safe for you to be with your parents. Alone, you quietly speak the name of the Lord Master, telling Him that you love Him. Something like, “Lord Iesus, I love you.” The Lord Master’s real name that He prefers to be known by is Iesus, with an “i” not Jesus, with a “j.” Our epoch inherited a mistranslation in this fact.
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Brown Child Praying - Pexels

So, you repeat your prayer as much as you can, whenever you can, wherever you can. Throughout the duration of the war, you are repeating your powerful prayer, “Lord Iesus, I love You. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for hearing my prayer.” Or something positive that you can think of, that you believe would make the Lord Master happy when He receives your message to Him.

For, my friends, this is, in the Lord Master’s view, real prayer. Sometimes we tend to pray when we want to ask Him for something. Can you imagine having friends who talk to you only when they are asking you for money or for things? You would not enjoy hearing from such “friends.” You would likely not trust them either.

Therefore, the Lord Master does not want those who only talk to Him, asking for stuff, to be on His support team; especially when the spiritual war that will turn this epoch into the next one commences. Throughout this war’s duration, He wants to only receive the thoughts of those who send Him positive words of support that come from deep within their hearts. What might supporting each other look like?

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Flock of Geese on Grass - Pixabay

Now, what does the strength of your mind have to do with this at all? Remember, I asked you earlier if you are preparing your mind for your role in the critical war that will turn this epoch into the next one. It will be important for your mind to stay focused, steady, when psychological war is being levied against you for being on one of the Lord Master’s support teams.

But what is psychological warfare? In this sense, it is someone on the teams that oppose the Lord Master’s power, speaking negative words that detract your mind from focusing on your prayers; the prayer messages that you are sending Him.

These oppositional voices may be saying something as simple sounding as, “You are weak; that’s why you are praying. You can’t fight for yourself?” Or “Your family is too poor for you make a difference in anything.” Simple sounding, yet potentially devastating to the mind’s self-confidence about what it can contribute to LIFE.

Those opposing voices may say other statements that have nothing to do with your role on the Lord Master’s support teams. For example, we do not choose the families that we are born into. Thus, if we are born into families that do not have too much money, we must not despair. Instead, we should live our lives thankfully and joyfully, to the best that we can.

However, as a detractor to get your mind off its praying track, those oppositional voices are dangerous weapons, used by those who are on teams that want the Lord Master’s work of guiding and sustaining all life across the entire universe, to be unsuccessful.

Nevertheless, we must continue to confidently, constantly, love each other; and our Lord Master as well.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Children Holding Hands in the Sunset - Pixabay

Guiding and sustaining all life across the entire universe is hard work that is overwhelming. Imagine yourself watering a garden of vegetables, using a watering can. How much time would it take for you to go to the water well to fill your watering can, to walk to the vegetable bed, and gently sprinkle the water on the delicate plants growing on it?

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Planted Rows of Lettuce - Pixabay

Now, imagine the Lord Master having to water your whole village, your whole town, your whole city, the whole state, the whole country, the whole continent, the whole world. He waters these huge tracts of the earth with what we call rain. It is overwhelming work to drive the rains, using His guiding wind systems, to carry the water to the places that He needs to water for that day; maybe because the squirrels in those areas are thirsty; or the birds there need to take a bath. He also has much other work to do.

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Brown Man Carrying Watermelons - Pexels

But the Lord Master needs to guide the waters of His heavens to the right places for that day. This is, AFTER also working to draw the fresh waters evaporated from the salty waters of the seas; doing mathematical calculations that He uses to be certain that He is evaporating just enough fresh water from the seas at each time; to also maintain the right alkaline levels in the oceans, for the sake of the fishes that live there, and the grasses that grow on the seabed.

The Lord Master is doing so much work already. For this reason, I, His only warhorse, believe that He would enjoy receiving prayer messages from the children’s minds. He Himself never asks anyone for anything. That is the rationale for my choosing to share this with you myself.

Thank you, great friends, for your love of the Lord Iesus, for your love of the Lord Holy Spirit; in our love of Lord God, the father; our sincere love for our One Trinitarian Lord, for ever and ever!

After an intense, or stressful day preparing for our coming war, I like to clean or refresh my mind by listening to my favorite Christian music artist, Holy Spirit Music. Thus, the song of the month that I want to share with you in the April 2023 newsletter is titled, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth.” You can listen to the song here; or by clicking on this link: Holy Spirit Music – The Marriage of Heaven and Earth

As always goodbye, in many languages, my friends – in Afrikaans – Totsiens; in Albanian – Mirupafshim; in Arabic – Mae Alsalama; in ChiChwewa – Tsalani Bwino; in Chinese – Zàijiàn; in ChiNyanja – Bayi; in Diné Bizaad (Navajo) – Hágoónee‘; in German – Auf Wiedersehen; in Hebrew – Shalom; in Hindi – Alavida; in Japanese – Sayōnara; in Pakistani – Khuda Hafiz; in Persian – Xodâhâfez; in Polish – Do Widzenia; in Portuguese – Tchau; in Russian – Do Svidaniya; in Somali – Nabad Gelyo; in Tagalog – Paalam; in Turkish – Güle Güle; in Vietnamese – Tạm Biệt; in Welsh – Hwyl Fawr.

Until next month, that is all for the Children’s Newsletter by Bitney.

Say Hello to God, next time you talk with Him in prayer, not talking at Him in prayer.

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The Children’s Newsletter by Bitney