The Ancestors Return Home to See How Their Descendants Have Fared Before God

Dear Friends in the Lord Jesus Christ, by the Grace of the Lord Holy Spirit,
Thank you for reading our Children’s Newsletter at Bitney Adventures!
With the Lord’s Holy Angels, and the Holy Blessed Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ,
We Remain Humbly Yours, Delighted to Collaborate with You in Ministry.
Chikomborero Jeso, Son; Isabella Jeso, Mother; at Our Online Christian Store,

FROM: Bitney, The Master’s Warhorse

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Picture of a Horse's Face - Pixabay

TO: Friends of Bitney, in the Service of the Lord Our God

We want to share that as our stories and lessons focus on the complex history within which the children across the African continent are developing their minds; our hope is that these Africa-focused stories and lessons will still also have resonance with our friends in the Americas, in Asia, in Australia, and in Europe. “Read on, my friends,” says Bitney. Thank you for your prayers.

The Master’s teacherly Wife requested that Bitney let the children listen-in on the playback of an adult conversation that had recently reverberated throughout the Universe, revealing the African Ancestors’ profound shock at the low status that the African continent currently ranks among all of God’s continents, in terms of the quality of life there, the capacity of the African people to defend themselves; and in terms of their lack of control, relating to the economic resources with which God endowed their continent.

The Practice of Different Types of Teaching Philosophy

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Teacher in Classroom Teaching Students - Pixabay
The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Group of Children in Classroom - Pexels

Bitney was nervous about the request of the Master’s Bride because he did not want to upset the vulnerable children or leave them frightened that they might lose hope for living meaningful lives, with great dignity; especially since the Ancestral Conversation with the spiritually-hearing African adults, in God’s Court, had turned out to be so negative.

However, the Master’s Wife cajoled, and persuaded and lectured Bitney about her teaching philosophy. As a teacher, she believed that if you give the children’s minds mush to feed on, their minds will also develop into mush. Therefore, she wanted the children’s minds to be fed on great ideas, to be introduced to tough ideas from the early years of their lives. Doing so, she said, teaches the children how to think deeply about the important things of life.

In this case, she said, African children would understand early in their lives, what had led their continent down to its embarrassingly low economic status; its low technology and scientific status; its low ranking in the sector of global trade earnings; in low global political status that made it so Indigenous peoples of the African continent are not even part of the world’s decision-making bodies that determine how all people live on Earth; and in all this, how Africans generally remained silent about their collective plight; mostly very ineffectively talking to each other at all about how they will get out of their current global trap, to honor God who gave them equal humanity with all the other humans on Earth. 

The Master’s Happy Teacherly Wife!

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - African Female Model - Pixabay

Bitney’s Happy Friends in Other Parts of the World

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Children Standing in Classroom - Pixabay

Thus, the Master’s Wife never gave up persuading. Bitney finally checked with the Master’s Mother who at once approved the request, agreeing that if the children were not introduced to these deep issues early in life, they would never surmount those generational problems once they become adults themselves. This is because, the Holy Mother of the Master observed, by then, it would be too late to introduce them to new ways of thinking and of doing things.

There came a time in the following days when the spheres were silently praying; that the playback of the conversation between the African Ancestors and their spiritually-hearing descendants could again be heard, with the voices of the ancestors booming out across the Universe and being heard by all spiritually-hearing persons on all God’s continents that make up Planet Earth.

And in this booming of the ancestral voices, from inside God’s Court where the hearing had taken place, it was the African Ancestral lawyer, interrogating, on behalf of all the Holy Ancestors who loved God; interrogating the adult spiritually-hearing African mind to explain to the ancestors, the current material and spiritual quality of African existence.

Some of the ancestors had entered the court in tears, not at all recognizing the appearance of the continent that they had worked so hard to develop in honor of God, with the belief that their descendants, so endowed with the material and spiritual wealth bequeathed them by their ancestors, would be able to maintain that honorable quality of life, that honorable relationship with God; for God’s pleasure.

The ancestors were understanding now why God looks at the chaos across the African continent and shakes His head in consternation.

Bitney introduced the purpose of the meeting to the children whom he had gathered at the side of The-Mountain-Beneath-the-Third-Star-of-the-Heavens. He started with some questions for the children.
The Master’s Wife had been flown to the side of the Master, who was fixing broken parts of Planet Earth, somewhere, very far away from where the children were gathered to hear a play-back, of the conversation that had taken place in God’s Powerful Court, between the African Ancestors and their spiritually-hearing descendants. For, not everyone can hear what is discussed or see the proceedings in the Court of God, the Creator of the Universe, except those in whom God’s Holy Angels have developed this capacity.

Bitney started with a slew of rhetorical questions for the children to think about. “If Holy God resurrected your ancestors today, from their rest since 2000 years ago, how do you think these ancestors would view the way you live today, as the Indigenous peoples of the African continent? What do you think would be their reaction to such a lack of unity among African ethnic groups? How would they view your continent’s appearance, being that it is divided into 54 pieces; pieces not made by your adults; pieces not broken in service to your people; or to your heritage, or to the future generations of African Indigenous peoples? 

African Children Listening Intently

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Children Sitting in Classroom Uganda - Pixabay

The voice of the Ancestral Spokesperson rang out across the theater of God’s Court, interrogating those spiritually-hearing Africans, some of them mighty intellectuals of the time. Those spiritually-hearing Africans had planned for this court hearing as a group; and thought they would win the argument around negligent ancestors who had let them down. Their strategy was to place the blame, regarding the plight of the African continent on these very ancestors, accusing them of child neglect.

Huddled at the foothills of The-Mountain-Beneath-the-Third-Star-of-the-Heavens, the children caught the flow of the play-back of speeches that had been exchanged during the hearings in God’s Court. The Ancestral Spokesperson started with a barrage of unanswerable observations and questions, directed at the spiritually-hearing Africans present at this trial of the current generation.

A Judge in a Court of Law

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - African Lawyer Judge Illustration - Pixabay

“We see such indiscipline on every front, such a lack of focus on the Creator God who honors African humanity as no one else does on Earth today. In your view, as we have returned home for this observational mission, how do you think we see, the status of the “African” continent? Or your status as “African” peoples? 

What do you expect us to say of you about this matter? How do you explain yourselves and your situation before the Creator of the Universe? That enslavement did it? Or colonization? Or your own corruption? Or Disease? Or your ignorance of world history? Or your inability to make things that you need to live well? Or your failure to create your own systems that would facilitate a dignified existence for all your people, in your cities, and in your rural communities?

“Just what words would you use in your conversation with our powerful ancestral ranks; since we were the world’s governing bodies of antiquity; the military, and education, and scientific, and technology leaders of the world for five thousand years, while also being faithful custodians of God’s Planet Earth, that alone can support life as you see it today? 

How did you sink so low, being descendants of such powerful Indigenous African Kings and Queens of antiquity?” The voice of the Ancestral Spokesperson was livid by the end of his interrogation.

Most of the spiritually-hearing intellectual African descendants could not find a satisfying way to address the barrage of these embarrassing Ancestral questions. But one of them courageously ventured, justified his own anger at the Ancestors’ lack of understanding about the “Plight of Africa” and of its Indigenous peoples, everywhere, living as unwanted nuisances of the Earth, no matter where they interact with peoples of other continents. Angry at the ancestors, this one ventured, generally exonerating all Africans who belong to his generation; also begging these ancestors for money, especially in overseas currency. 

He tempered his voice so he wouldn’t sound angry. “Ah, my fathers and mothers, sit and listen to my troubles. You have neglected me. Oh, correction, it’s not about me. I have not learned about the Creator God Who loves you, because of the racism I suffer everywhere. So, I took other people’s explanations of God to try to save myself from them who are more powerful than all African peoples can fathom. 

“This is why we have not learned to make the things we need to live by ourselves. I wasn’t going to cry; but my children and I; we are so poor; we can’t even think about you who are our ancestors. Well, about Creator God anyway. We think more about those who donate money to us. Um, I mean. We don’t think about ourselves. We learn only how they see us as poor and helpless. And, i-i-i…; u-m-mmm, the truth is we are poor and helpless as you can see; we like them who tell us the truth. Our truth is that we are very poor.”

To the dithering mind of the descendant, the Ancestral Spokesperson said with gritted teeth, “A-continent-that-doesn’t-know-how-to-make-anything-that-it-needs-to-live-by-is-destined-to-collapse! You rely on medicines from other continents, technology made by others than yourselves; transportation implements made by others than yourselves; weapons designed elsewhere; roads and airports constructed for you by companies from overseas, electric grids created and maintained for you by others, books and stories written by others than yourselves; fabrics and clothes made for you; farming equipment made for you; food packaging made for you; cities built for you; economies designed for you, money created for you. Even your country flags were designed for you, with logos that do not represent anything authentic to your cultures. 

“Your stories about the Creator of the Universe were told to you by someone else; and you believe and subscribe to those stories more than you desire to know the Creator of the Universe! How you speak to God or about God was given to you by people who call you monkeys when they are by themselves; people who despise you; who appropriated your heritage and enslaved you and continue to enslave you because they have theorized that “Africans” are NOT fully human. And you beg them to see you as their equals?

“You trust the same systems that enslaved and colonized you more than you trust the potential in the development of your own minds, the minds of the children, to grow up and construct the implements that they need to live by. How do you build a continent on systems created for you by people determined to keep you and your children down and eventually, to wipe your race off the face of the Earth? 

“First, change the name of the continent. Change the name of the continent from ‘Africa,’ a word for which you have no meaning in most of your own languages. Change the name of the continent to SUN CONTINENT or CONTINENT OF THE SUN. Its people will be called SUN PEOPLE or PEOPLE OF THE SUN.

“Immediately remove the artificial divisions that you call ‘countries.’ Those borders were put in place as a mechanism to make someone other than yourselves wealthy; and to destroy your competitive powers as one continental economic block. “African” Families and Business People waste hours, days, negotiating trade-border-crossings among themselves, instead of doing work that generates resources for the continent’s material and spiritual well-being.”

The Fifty-Four-Piece “African” Continent

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Map of African Continent - Pixabay

Kings and Queens of the Antiquity Sun Continent

The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Egyptian Kings and Queens - Pixabay

When the voice of the Ancestral Spokesperson trailed off and died down from the play-back heard by the children, Bitney and the children were silent for a very long time, huddled there, at the foothills of The-Mountain-Beneath-the-Third-Star-of-the-Heavens; until Bitney told them that it was time for him to ferry them home. 


The Children's Newsletter by Bitney - Mount Kilimanjaro - Pixabay

The children remained quiet for the rest of the day. Some said they were not hungry when supper was served in their homes that evening; and they went straight to bed, thinking, thinking about the life-changing work bequeathed them by the Ancestral Voice, to resuscitate their dying continent.

The voice of the Ancestral Spokesperson was heard by many spiritually-hearing people around the world. However, though the children heard it with Bitney’s help and believed it, most of the adult People of the Sun only believed it because it was retold to them by their colonizers, who didn’t even tell them the whole story. 

Instead, the colonizers modified this story about livid African Ancestors, adjusting it and presenting it as political-warfare-disinformation, targeted at each of those individual 54 pieces of “Africa” that the Ancestors abhor so deeply. For, the tragedy about most adults among the People of the Sun remains that they do not accept food that feeds their minds, unless it comes from their colonizing masters, modified by these masters so that the information is corruptive, and toxic, to the “African” mind. 

However, the children remained resolute in their belief that they had been commissioned for something of profound significance; that they will see it done.
Some of the older children wondered, “How long will it take for us to remove the artificial borders around the ‘countries’ of the Indigenous Sun Peoples? How long will it take to change the name of the continent as commanded by their Ancestors who, for thousands of years, sustainably sourced their life-needs from the Earth, supporting the continent’s health as guided by the Creator of the Universe?” Therefore, they put their heads together and came up with a plan to, very soon, invite Bitney to a meeting that would center on discussing these pressing matters. 


Goodbye Image of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Goodbye Image of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Dear friends of Bitney everywhere, until next time, goodbye in the Twi Language, Ghana, Adinkara; in the Luo Language, Uganda, Oriti; in the Spanish Language, Adios; in the Zulu Language, Hamba Kahle; and in the Urdu Language, Pakistan,

Urdu Language Goodbye

Finally, given that music inspired by the Lord Holy Spirit, refreshes the mind, giving it a chance to heal from the onslaught of stresses that humans face each day, as we conclude our Children’s Newsletter, we want to share with you this choice song, “Earth,” brand new from Holy Spirit Music. This song can be accessed at the Holy Spirit YouTube Channel,

That is all for the Children’s Newsletter by Bitney, for November 2023. Please say Hello to God, from us, next time you talk with Him in prayer, not talking at Him during your prayers, but using this time for you to have conversations with God our Father!

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The Holy Bible, New International Version. (1978). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 

Each month’s newsletter will sign off, using a different language, as searched and found in the Google Translate App.

Copyright free photos have been sourced from and, with one exception. The final image, representing the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ was hand-drawn by Isabella Jeso. This image was modeled on drawings by Michelangelo as follows. “28. Study of a Risen Christ. Ca. 1533. Black chalk. 414 x 274 mm. British Museum, London (1895-9-15-501) recto.” “29. The Risen Christ. Ca. 1533. Black chalk. 367 x 220 mm. Royal Library, Windsor Castle (12768).” “30. Study for a Risen Christ. Ca. 1532-33. Red chalk. 155 x 171 mm. Louvre, Paris (691b).” Michelangelo Life Drawings: 46 Works. Dover Publications, Inc., New York: 1979.

The Children’s Newsletter by Bitney